Items are showing from Stevie Wonder

Bee Gees Down To Earth (Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Down To Earth (Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Down To Earth (Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. Hello there, Is there any air? Can you slow me down? Halo disana, adakah udara? dapatkah kau memperlambatku? Can you believe that what you see could never ever be so real somehow Dapatkan kau percaya bahwa apa yang kau lihat dapat tak pernah menjadi begitu nyata

Bee Gees Edge of the Universe (Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Edge of the Universe (Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Edge of the Universe (Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. Just my dog and I Hanya anjingku dan aku at the edge of the universe di ujung alam semesta Well, I didn’t wanna bring her Ya, aku tak bawa dia and I know it’ll make her worse dan aku tahu ini hanya membuat dia menjadi lebih buruk

Bee Gees Down To Earth Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Down To Earth? You’ve come to the right place. Down To Earth is a song played by Bee Gees. Hello there, Is there any air? Can you slow me down? Can you believe that what you see could never ever be so real somehow. Down to earth, my merry men. There’s some help needed here and you’re there. You can see if you stand on your chair.

Bee Gees Daytime Girl (Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Daytime Girl (Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Daytime Girl (Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. There she goes my daytime girl Inilah gadis pekerjaku Spreading her wings like a high flying eagle Mengepakkan sayapnya seperti burung elang yang terbang tinggi All the people will stare as she falls to the ground Semua orang akan melihatnya ketika dia jatuh ke tanah

Bee Gees Daytime Girl Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Daytime Girl? You’ve come to the right place. Daytime Girl is a song played by Bee Gees. There she goes my daytime girl. Spreading her wings like a high flying eagle. All the people will stare as she falls to the ground. Heaven knows my daytime girl. Never been kissed she don’t know what she’s missing. All the kisses there are to be found.

Bee Gees Cucumber Castle Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Cucumber Castle? You’ve come to the right place. Cucumber Castle is a song played by Bee Gees. There were the trees, see the grass, a thing gets inspired. Said “This is the place I will try,” and he did. Stood in the dark ,sat a man who beckoned him in, But leaving his grass was a sin, but he did. Cucumber Castle be ever so humble it’s home.

Bee Gees Cucumber Castle(Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Cucumber Castle(Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Cucumber Castle(Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. There were the trees, see the grass, a thing gets inspired Disana ada pohon, nampak rerumputan, seuatu hal yang menginspirasi Said “This is the place I will try,” and he did Berkata inilah tempat akan kucoba dan dia lakukan Stood in the dark ,sat a man who beckoned him in

Bee Gees Lamplight Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Lamplight? You’ve come to the right place. Lamplight is a song played by Bee Gees. Alons, viens encore, cherie. J’attendrai patiemment sous la lampe dans la vieille avenue. Then I may end. She had things to buy. I close my eyes . Yet I don’t know why. I gave her money; said she knew someone. And she said she won’t be long.

Bee Gees Kitty Can Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Kitty Can? You’ve come to the right place. Kitty Can is a song played by Bee Gees. Eve never pleases me and Kitty can Eve never pleases me and Kitty can When Kitty smiles, the world stands still I see a thousand golden daffodils But when she cries, the world just dies I see a million tears in Kitty’s eyes Eve never pleases me and Kitty can

Bee Gees Kilburn Towers Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Kilburn Towers? You’ve come to the right place. Kilburn Towers is a song played by Bee Gees. I am a bird; watch me go drifting by. With my feathers of power I laugh as the hours go slowly by. That could mean ev’rything. I am a street watching the people walk. As I listen their conversations glisten as they start to talk.