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Bee Gees Jive Talkin' Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Jive Talkin’? You’ve come to the right place. Jive Talkin’ is a song played by Bee Gees. It’s just your jive talkin’ you’re telling me lies, yeah Jive talkin’ you wear a disguise Jive talkin’ so misunderstood, yeah Jive talkin’ You really no good Oh, my child You’ll never know Just what you mean to me Oh, my child You got so much

Bee Gees Jingle Jangle Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Jingle Jangle? You’ve come to the right place. Jingle Jangle is a song played by Bee Gees. Jingle jangle , my love wears silvery bangles She likes to wander and that’s why I’m under the spell of her jingle jangle We used to cry on each others shoulder Now that I’m older , she wanders ahead Now that she’s found love , I still hear the sound of

Bee Gees Islands In The Stream Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Islands In The Stream? You’ve come to the right place. Islands In The Stream is a song played by Bee Gees. Baby when I met you there was peace unknown I set out to get you with a fine tooth comb I was soft inside There was something going on You do something to me that I can’t explain Hold me closer and I feel no pain

Bee Gees Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry? You’ve come to the right place. Indian Gin And Whiskey Dry is a song played by Bee Gees. All day, all night you feel as if the earth could fly. Three more all for fine Indian Gin and whiskey dry, Fine Indian Gin and whiskey dry. Small town , closed down; There’s nowhere else around to try.

Bee Gees In The Summer Of His Years Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song In The Summer Of His Years? You’ve come to the right place. In The Summer Of His Years is a song played by Bee Gees. In the summer of his years he would always smile; He would laugh ev’ry day if he was here to stay. For the summer of his years. In the daylight of his dreams he would save his tears;

Bee Gees Israel Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Israel? You’ve come to the right place. Israel is a song played by Bee Gees. You’ve had your troubles Israel I’ve seen them all But you put the writing on the wall Israel Israel yeah You know I’ve seen you fall so many times I’ve cried for you and that’s a crime Israel Israel Israel Where there’s sand Where there’s beautiful sand yeah

Bee Gees Idea(Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Idea(Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Idea(Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. I been thinking sitting on a pole Aku sedang berpikir duduk di samping kolam I’m getting sick of doing what I’m told Aku muak akan apa yang selalu dibilang padaku Just me and the mirror and my brain Hanya aku dan kaca dan otakku But that was when I got an idea

Bee Gees In My Own Time Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song In My Own Time? You’ve come to the right place. In My Own Time is a song played by Bee Gees. I received an invitation; ‘Come to the United Nations.’ That was when I was somebody. In my own time. Sitting selling hot cross buns, Thousand suckers ev’ryone. Sounds like a nurs’ry rhyme. In my own time. Even when the lights go out.

Bee Gees Idea Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Idea? You’ve come to the right place. Idea is a song played by Bee Gees. I been thinking sitting on a pole. I’m getting sick of doing what I’m told. Just me and the mirror and my brain. But that was when I got an idea. Came like a gun and shot in my ear. Don’t you think it’s time you got up and stood alone?

Bee Gees I've Decided To Join The Airforce Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song I’ve Decided To Join The Airforce? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve Decided To Join The Airforce is a song played by Bee Gees. Mother, I’m going to join the Air Force today. I don’t care what the neighbors may say, But I’m going to join the Air Force today. Mother,I don’t care what my father might think. Perhaps it’s going to drive him to drink.