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Bee Gees For whom the bell tolls Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song For whom the bell tolls? You’ve come to the right place. For whom the bell tolls is a song played by Bee Gees. I stumble in the night Never really knew what it would’ve been like You’re no longer there to break my fall The heartache over you I’d give it everything but I couldn’t live through I never saw the signs

Bee Gees First of May Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song First of May? You’ve come to the right place. First of May is a song played by Bee Gees. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. (chorus) Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small,

Bee Gees First Of May dan Terjemahan Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song First Of May dan Terjemahan? You’ve come to the right place. First Of May dan Terjemahan is a song played by Bee Gees. When I was small and Christmas trees were tall Ketika aku masih kanak-kanak dan pohon natal terlihat begitu tinggi We used to love while others used to play Kita terbiasa berkasih sayang sementara yang lainnya bermain Don’t ask me why, but time has passed us by

Bee Gees Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)? You’ve come to the right place. Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) is a song played by Bee Gees. First I rise, then I fall Seems like you don’t want the love Of this man at all And it’s sure been a lonely time Right up to the time I met you So if you take a love like mine

Bee Gees Edison (Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Edison (Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Edison (Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. He made electric lights to read. He gave us light today Dia buat lampu elektrik tuk membaca, Dia beri kita cahaya hari ini He gave us cylinders to please Dia beri kita silinder tuk puaskan When Edison came to stay. Edison came to stay

Bee Gees Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You? You’ve come to the right place. Every Christian Lion Hearted Man Will Show You is a song played by Bee Gees. Oh solo Dominique Oh solo Dominique Oh solo Dominique Oh solo Dominique Take this in hand Said he who stands Behind the chair A broken table there Every Christian lion hearted man will show you

Bee Gees Elisa Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Elisa? You’ve come to the right place. Elisa is a song played by Bee Gees. All that I need is just a piece of paper Say a few lines, make up my mind so she can read it later, when I’m gone Elisa, goodbye , Elisa All that I need is just a quiet corner Bring to the light , things I must write

Bee Gees Elisa (Terjemahan) Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Elisa (Terjemahan)? You’ve come to the right place. Elisa (Terjemahan) is a song played by Bee Gees. All that I need is just a piece of paper Semua yang kubutuhkan hanya selembar kerta Say a few lines, make up my mind Berkata sedikit bait, tentukan pilihanku so she can read it later, when I’m gone jadi dia bisa baca ini nanti, ketika aku pergi

Bee Gees Edison Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Edison? You’ve come to the right place. Edison is a song played by Bee Gees. He made electric lights to read. He gave us light today. He gave us cylinders to please. When Edison came to stay. Edison came to stay. Edison set the world on fire. He really made the day. Station to station ; many wires. Edison came to stay.

Bee Gees Edge of the Universe Lyrics

Are you looking for Bee Gees lyrics for song Edge of the Universe? You’ve come to the right place. Edge of the Universe is a song played by Bee Gees. Just my dog and I at the edge of the universe. Well, I didn’t wanna bring her and I know it’ll make her worse. Now I look out on forever and it must be nice down there. And they call me Shenandora in the air.